
Professor, Dr. Tai Wan Ping

Tai Wan-Ping 戴萬平is currently a professor at the Department of International Business the Cheng Shiu University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C.). He obtained his Bachelor's degree in Public Administration and Policy at the National Taipei University, and the social science of Master's degree and Doctor of Philosophy in Asia Pacific Political Economy studies at the National Sun Yat-sen University. He also studied at Kemahiram Bahasa Indonesia Program (BIPA), the University of Indonesia in 2002-2003.

Upon completing his Doctoral program, Prof. Tai has been invited as a visiting scholar to conduct various research programs, include:

  1. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS, Indonesia) in 2003 and 2005
  2. Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences (VASS),  2004
  3. Eastern Asia University, Thailand, 2009 and 2011
  4. Far Eastern University, the Philippine, 2011.
  5. Charoen Pokphand Group (CP ALL Corporation Scholar), Thailand, 2013-2018.
  6. Rangsit University, Thailand, 2014.
  7. Binus University, Indonesia, 2014, 2016, 2017.
  8. Siam University, Thailand, 2018.

His primary area of study includes the following but not limited to: Southeast Asian studies(especial in Industry Political Economy), Asia Pacific studies, Indonesia studies, and Taiwan’s Trade and Economics.  

Prof. Tai’s scholarly works have been published in some of the leading publications such as Issues and Studies, Asia Pacific Research Forum, Theory and Policy, Cross-strait and International Affairs Quarterly, East Asia Management Studies - Japanese Edition, Thammasat Review, Journal of ASEAN Studies, also the book "Indonesian Industrial Political Economy" be published at Hong Kong City University Press, 2018.







在著作方面,並有期刊論文三十餘篇,專書論文十本,其中包括Issues and Studies, Asia Pacific Research Forum, Theory and Policy, Cross-strait and International Affairs Quarterly, East Asia Management Studies - Japanese Edition, Chinese Economy Journal, Thammasat Review等知名國際期刊。並在近2010-2019年擔任行政院國科會計畫主持人九件,協同主持人四件。


